
Supplemental Insurance + Wellness

Offered by Advisors IHC Specialty Benefits East Dallas / Lakewood
Insurance - Supplemental
Fixed, lump-sum benefits can help fill in the gaps, such as paying for out-of-pocket costs and other living expenses. Medical Gap Critical Illness Accident Telemed + Health...

Spuderosa Jr.

Offered by Strouderosa BBQ
Treat yourself to a delightful twist on a classic favorite with our Spuderosa Jr. Loaded with your choice of our tender smoked meats, along with a medley of flavorful toppings, our Spuderosa Jr. is a potato lover's dream. Each bite is a perfect...

Meet the Team

Offered by The B•A•R Group - Beth Arnold, Amy Timmerman and Robin Moss Norcross
The BAR Group is made up of talented real estate professionals, brokers, business minded entrepreneurs, creative souls, negotiators and listeners with likable personalities.These professional women break real estate records, are always seeking...

The Shakes

Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
Satisfy your hunger and have a PROTEIN SHAKE

New Construction Home

Offered by Dexter Alexander Culbreath
Investment Properties

Smoked Turkey

Offered by Strouderosa BBQ
Experience a taste sensation with our smoked turkey. Expertly brined and slowly smoked, our turkey delivers a juicy and flavorful experience that will have you coming back for seconds. Perfectly seasoned and cooked to perfection, our smoked...

Water Heater

Offered by Dean's Plumbing
Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilation Services
The water heater is among the most essential appliances in a home's plumbing system. When something goes wrong, Deans Plumbing offers water heater services in Richardson, TX, and throughout North and North-East Dallas. 

Protein Bars

Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
We have restocked on these delicious protein bars! We now have 2 delicious flavors to choose from. Vanilla almond Citrus limon Remember to get one on your next visit


Offered by Dexter Alexander Culbreath
Real Estate


Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
Get your fix today! Get a combo zero sugar-sweetened with Stevia leaf extract loaded teas With our protein shakes that start at 24gm of protein and have over 20 vitamins and minerals

Slab Leak Repair

Offered by Dean's Plumbing
Leaks can develop in any plumbing pipe, including those that run under your homes concrete slab. These leaks are particularly frustrating because they are hidden under the slab and more challenging to detect. The plumbers at Deans...


Offered by Healing Humans Chiropractic + Wellness
Chiropractic Doctors

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