The premium for this policy is minimal per year for the school-time coverage. All school-sponsored and supervised activities and time spent in school are covered in accordance with the terms and limitations of the policy. For an increased premium, the policy will cover your child 24 hours a day, 12 months a year, rather than only during school-time. Double benefits at double the premium are also available.
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Van Buren Public Schools
Peter Kudlak
555 W. Columbia
Belleville, MI 48111
Phone: 734-697-9123
The District has approximately 4,800 students and is located in Wayne County. We have about 200 schools of choice students from outside the district and county. The ethnicity within the district is 51% Caucasian, 41% African American and 1% - 2% in other categories. We provide special education services to about 20% of the students.
The Van Buren Public School District has four K-4th grade elementary schools (Edgemont, Savage, Rawsonville and Tyler), one 7th - 8th-grade middle school (McBride), one 5th - 6th-grade intermediate school (Owen), one 9th - 12th grade High School and the Early Childhood Development Center for preschool students aged 3 - 5 years old. The District serves the City of Belleville, Sumpter Township, Van Buren Township, a small section of Washtenaw County and a small section of Canton. Due to the Belleville Lake areas and bedroom community areas, there is a large diversity in income earnings and job types among students' families.