Dupuytren's Disease

DUPUYTREN’S CONTRACTURE</b></i><br><br>Dupuytren’s contracture is
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Dupuytren’s contracture is characterized by the fingers stiffening and curving toward the palm, often due to thick tissue growth beneath the skin in the hand's palm. Occasionally, the condition affects the palm alone, without involving the fingers. As the tissue thickens, it can restrict finger and hand movement. In rare instances, Dupuytren’s may manifest in the soles of the feet. The exact cause remains unknown, and the condition typically progresses slowly. Mild cases may benefit from regular finger stretching to maintain mobility, while surgery is often necessary for severe cases. However, recurrence of Dupuytren’s is possible even after surgical intervention.

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Vizavee Urgent and Primary Care 3522679397 4669 E SR 44 Wildwood, Florida

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