
Meet the Team

Offered by The B•A•R Group - Beth Arnold, Amy Timmerman and Robin Moss Norcross
The BAR Group is made up of talented real estate professionals, brokers, business minded entrepreneurs, creative souls, negotiators and listeners with likable personalities.These professional women break real estate records, are always seeking...

Garbage Disposal

Offered by Dean's Plumbing
Americans love their garbage disposals. The handy devices can shred food that goes down drains and ensure it is disposed of safely and efficiently. Unfortunately, disposals can develop problems or stop working and are typically too complex for...

Most popular

Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
PREMIUM PI?A COLADA We are now hitting 80? temperatures here in TX. The best way to stay fresh and stay full is with our "PREMIUM PI?A COLADA" paired with our premium protein starting at 15gm of protein.

Water Heater

Offered by Dean's Plumbing
Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilation Services
The water heater is among the most essential appliances in a home's plumbing system. When something goes wrong, Deans Plumbing offers water heater services in Richardson, TX, and throughout North and North-East Dallas. 

Pool Build

Offered by Splash Pad Pool Builder


Offered by Shell Shack
Please fill out the form below and we'll do our best to accommodate your desired date and any requests you may have to make your party/celebration memorable.


Offered by Dexter Alexander Culbreath
Investment Properties

Supplemental Insurance + Wellness

Offered by Advisors IHC Specialty Benefits East Dallas / Lakewood
Insurance - Supplemental
Fixed, lump-sum benefits can help fill in the gaps, such as paying for out-of-pocket costs and other living expenses. Medical Gap Critical Illness Accident Telemed + Health...

The Shakes

Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
Satisfy your hunger and have a PROTEIN SHAKE

Health Insurance

Offered by Advisors IHC Specialty Benefits East Dallas / Lakewood
Health Insurance
Comprehensive essential health benefits insurance with access to subsidies to offset costs for those that qualify. Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans Short Term Medical Dental Vision


Offered by Strouderosa BBQ
Add a burst of flavor to your barbecue spread with our mouthwatering sausages. Made with the finest cuts of meat and our signature blend of spices, our sausages offer a savory and smoky delight that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether...

Prolessa Duo Shots

Offered by White Rock TX Nutrition
A fat reducing hunger control shot

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