
Personal Injury

Offered by Stuyvesant, Strong, Krapfl & Carda, PLLC
Whether it be a car accident, slip and fall, wrongful death, medical malpractice, or other injury due to either the negligence or intentional act of another, we will zealously advocate for you to protect your rights and ensure you are...

Criminal Defense

Offered by Stuyvesant, Strong, Krapfl & Carda, PLLC
Whether you have been accused of a crime or have come into contact with law enforcement, it is extremely important that you know your rights. Being accused, arrested or convicted of a crime can significantly affect your life in a number of...

Landowner’s Divorce

Offered by Cashatt Warren Family Law
Each and every divorce is different and unique, so it should not surprise you to learn that land ownership can make divorce even more complicated. With the division of property, land taxes and finances and a whole host of other issues...

Trust Administration & Probate

Offered by Stuyvesant, Strong, Krapfl & Carda, PLLC
Regardless of whether your loved one passes without a will, his or her estate may need to be admitted into probate. “Probate” is a court process whereby the Court oversees the valuation and distributions of a deceased person’s assets. This...