

Offered by Dee for Dentist
Dental Services
Prosthodontic treatments are an excellent solution to restore your oral health and improve your smile's aesthetics, whether you have damaged or missing teeth. Our team provides high-quality prosthodontics at Dee for Dentist in Las Vegas,...

​Facial Beauty Institute-KIDS RORA/RAGGA & Controlled Arch

Offered by Nevada Dental Sleep
Dental Services
This is an Orthotropic option for Pediatric ages. This system uses the same treatment philosophy as adults (FORA/FAGGA) except that the growth appliance is removable. Myofunctional therapy has to be done in conjunction with this, and these...

Pediatric Dentistry

Offered by Dee for Dentist
Dental Services
Did you know not all dentists are capable or efficient in treating children? The level of care required to treat youth is far different than that of adults. In nearly every way, pediatric dentistry is a different animal than adult care....

Candid Pro (Airway Centric Clear Aligner System)

Offered by Nevada Dental Sleep
Dental Services
CandidPro allows for orthodontic airway-centric treatment. Beyond clear aligner technology, this system works with Board Certified Orthodontists in each state in the US along with Dr. Hu for the best airway treatment outcomes. 

Myofunctional Therapy

Offered by Nevada Dental Sleep
Dental Services
Here at Nevada Dental Sleep, we will be utilizing a certified Myofunctional Therapist with all of our orthotropic options. Both monthly, live patient (face to-face) appointments, and telemed/talent services, are offered. Also, we stress...

Braces & Orthodontics

Offered by Celebrate Dental & Braces
Dental Services
When it comes to aligning your smile, you have options! Beyond braces, we offer numerous straightening solutions, from invisible aligners to removable retainers. Our team will help you choose the best option for your smile, helping to produce...


Offered by Celebrate Dental & Braces
Dental Services
At Celebrate Dental & Braces, we’re proud to help our patients achieve the stunning smiles they want! We can help you achieve these results with Invisalign®—a great option for oral structure alignment. Invisalign® has been the...


Offered by Professional Billing Solutions, LLC
Dental Services

No Insurance Needed

Offered by Celebrate Dental & Braces
Dental Services
Are you wanting better dental care for your family, but are unsure of how you’ll be able to afford it without insurance? Celebrate Dental is here for you with affordable services and flexible savings plans! Reach out to us to learn more and to...

​VIVOS Therapeutics/ Guides, Starters & VG

Offered by Nevada Dental Sleep
Dental Services
CHILDREN/Pediatrics  Orthotropics for Children. Pediatric Airway treatment using signaling and growth guidance dynamic modality. Nutrition, myofunctional therapy, Chirodontics, Tongue tie release, and Speech...

VIVOS Therapeutics/ DNA & MRNA/MMRNA Appliances

Offered by Nevada Dental Sleep
Dental Services
ADULTS  Orthotropics with Craniofacial Epigenetics and Pneumopedics. This is a dynamic airway treatment option and is especially relevant to those who are non-responders to oral appliance therapy and other...

Emergency Dental

Offered by Celebrate Dental & Braces
Dental Services
Dental problems don't always creep up at you, sometimes they jump out at you. At Celebrate Dental & Braces, we understand that tooth pain and oral injuries can occur at any moment. That's why we tell our patients that when dental...