
Conductor Camp

Offered by Henderson Symphony Orchestra
Non-profit Organizations
Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, the Henderson Symphony Orchestra proudly presents the Conductor Camp, an innovative training initiative conceived by HSO Music Director Alexandra Arrieche. Initially designed to assist her colleagues in Brazil,...


Offered by Silver Sage Foundation
Non-profit Organizations
Access to quality education in a safe environment is an integral part of improving the lives of individuals in underserved communities. Education builds awareness and confidence, fosters growth, and provides hope for the less privileged. It is...

Benefits of Membership

Offered by Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nevada
Non-profit Organizations
Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce Nevada (GLCCNV) provides business development opportunities, financial access, and educational resources to our LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+ ally business members. As the only official Nevada affiliate chamber of the...

Unshakeable Marketplace

Offered by Unshakeable
Non-profit Organizations
Welcome to UNSHAKEABLE Marketplace At UNSHAKEABLE, we believe "if we don't change their economics, we don't change their future."  Our collection highlights social enterprises who share our mission of creating a path to...


Offered by Henderson Firefighters Benevolent Association
Non-profit Organizations
Your Support Makes a Difference! The Henderson Firefighters Benevolent Association (HFBA) relies on the invaluable contributions of dedicated volunteers like you to ensure the success of our fundraising events. We are currently seeking a...


Offered by Sampson & Butter Rescue & Rehab
Non-profit Organizations

HFBA Supports Movember

Offered by Henderson Firefighters Benevolent Association
Non-profit Organizations
The Henderson Firefighters Benevolent Association (HFBA) takes great pride in its partnership with The Movember Foundation, working together to revolutionize men's health. The health crisis faced by our fathers, partners, brothers, and friends...


Offered by Awareness Is Prevention
Non-profit Organizations
Engage in activities aimed at raising awareness about human trafficking,...

Training Institute

Offered by Foster Kinship
Non-profit Organizations

Child and Youth Interventions

Offered by Foster Kinship
Non-profit Organizations
Foster Kinship's direct services for children are part of our enhanced Kinship Navigator Program model and also supplement our Child Welfare Training and Kinship Training Institute. People are innately relational, and our childhoods...

Individual Career Development

Offered by Unshakeable
Non-profit Organizations
INDIVIDUAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT Individual career coaching is provided to graduates of the I AM Series. Career-developing services include assessing passion and skills, scheduling job-shadowing experiences, assisting with employment...

Interactive Support Groups

Offered by The Mental Health Moment
Non-profit Organizations
Foster connection and understanding in our Interactive Support Groups,...