
Access to Capital

Offered by Winston-Salem Women's Business Center
Non Profit
We understand that securing funding can be a major challenge for entrepreneurs. Through strategic partnerships and initiatives, we facilitate access to capital, helping you secure the financial resources necessary to start and grow your...

Community Engagement Events

Offered by Winston-Salem Women's Business Center
Non Profit
At the Winston-Salem Women's Business Center, we recognize that community is at the heart of business success. Our community engagement events provide a platform for entrepreneurs, professionals, and community leaders to come together,...


Offered by ROC Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Becoming a volunteer with us is your opportunity to make a meaningful difference in our community. Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization, and their dedication is what propels our mission forward. Whether you have expertise...

Educational Seminars and Webinars

Offered by Winston-Salem Women's Business Center
Non Profit
If you have a vision but need guidance on how to bring it to life, our seminars, webinars, and workshops are here to help. We offer informative sessions that cover a wide range of business topics, giving you the knowledge and skills to turn...


Offered by Metro Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Empower Change and Impact Lives Join us in making a lasting difference. With our "Donate" service, you have the opportunity to contribute to meaningful initiatives that drive positive change within our community. Your support fuels our...

Marketing Tips

Offered by Womens Business Center/Access to Capital for Entrepreunuers
Non Profit
Effective marketing is crucial for business success. To market your business effectively, begin by understanding your target audience and creating a strong brand identity. Develop a professional website and maintain an active online presence...

Marketing and Branding Guidance

Offered by Winston-Salem Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Unlock the full potential of your business with the Winston-Salem Women's Business Center's specialized marketing and branding guidance. Our seasoned experts are here to guide you through the intricacies of building a strong brand presence and...

Workshops & Business Series

Offered by Womens Business Center/Access to Capital for Entrepreunuers
Non Profit
The Workshops & Business Series offered by the Women's Business Center/Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs is a dynamic platform designed to foster the growth and success of women, minorities, and low-to-moderate-income entrepreneurs. Our...

Community Business Academy

Offered by ROC Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Welcome to our Community Business Academy, where dreams take shape, and entrepreneurial ambitions become reality. Our academy is a dynamic hub of learning, innovation, and empowerment, designed to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills,...


Offered by ROC Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Elevate your business endeavors with a membership at the ROC (Rochester) Women's Business Center. As a member, you gain exclusive access to a wealth of tailored resources and support designed to propel your business to new heights. Our vibrant...

Mentorship Programs

Offered by Winston-Salem Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Our network of experienced mentors and advisors is available to provide guidance and share insights. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your business to the next level, our mentorship programs can offer invaluable support.


Offered by Metro Women's Business Center
Non Profit
Connecting, Learning, and Growing Together Welcome to our vibrant Events platform, where connections are forged, knowledge is shared, and growth is nurtured. Join us in a series of engaging and impactful events that bring entrepreneurs,...

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