
Wasp & Hornets

Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
The wasp is a small, predatory insect with a slender body and two pairs of wings. They are typically black and yellow in color, but some species may be brown or red. Wasps have powerful mandibles for catching prey and a long stinger used to...

Stink Bugs

Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
Stink bugs are a type of insect that has an unpleasant odor when disturbed. They have shield-shaped bodies and can range in color from green to brown. Stink bugs feed on plants, sucking the juices out of them and damaging crops. They can also be...


Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
You may know that cockroaches can live for weeks without their heads, but did you know that they like to be touched? Cockroaches are thixotropic, which means they are like solid objects coming in contact with their bodies. Despite how...


Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
JH Pestaway offers professional rat control services to help you get rid of rats in your home or business. Our experienced technicians use a variety of methods, such as trapping, baiting, and exclusion techniques, to effectively remove rats...


Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
Silverfish are small, wingless insects that are usually silver or gray in color. They have long, slender bodies and antennae, and they move quickly in a fish-like motion. Silverfish feed on carbohydrates such as sugar, flour, and paper...

Bed Bugs

Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are oval-shaped and reddish-brown in color and can range from 1 mm to 7 mm in size. Bed bugs typically hide during the day in cracks and crevices...


Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
Ants are small, social insects that live in colonies. They have a three-segmented body, six legs, and antennae. Ants come in many different colors including red, black, yellow, and brown. They feed on a variety of foods such as nectar, plant...


Offered by JH Pestaway
Pest Control
Termites are small, wingless insects that live in colonies underground. They feed on dead plant material, such as wood and leaves, and can cause significant damage to structures if left unchecked. Termites have a hard outer shell and long...

Termite & Radon

Offered by Allen Home Inspection Services, LLC
Pest Control
Although not always needed, we are able to put your mind at ease by conducting testing for radon and a termite inspection which would assess the presence of wood-destroying insects.

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