
General and Family Dentistry

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
Dr. Todd Thompson of Battle Mountain Dental is excited to be your family dentist! For you and your loved ones, this family and general dentistry practice offer many procedures well suited to give you a smile that is healthy and...

Dental Crowns & Bridges

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
Do you have problems with your teeth you would like to have resolved—beautifully and permanently? We offer several restoratives and cosmetic dentistry treatments to revitalize your smile. Dental crowns A dental...

Dental Implants

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
If you have any missing teeth, ask yourself these questions: Are your missing teeth causing you embarrassment? Are you uncomfortable going out in public? Do you find it hard to eat some of the foods you love?...

Dental Veneers

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
If you have chipped, discolored, or missing teeth, we provide several cosmetic dentistry procedures that can give you the smile of your dreams. One popular option is dental veneers. What are dental veneers? Dental...

Restorative Dentistry

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
There are many reasons to go see a dentist. One, of course, is to keep your smile healthy and clean. But what if you have cosmetic problems with your smile? Perhaps a tooth that is discolored, damaged, or missing entirely is keeping...

Cosmetic Dentistry

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
Having a fabulous smile in today’s world is almost required. It can sometimes be just what you need to make that good first impression or land that job you’ve always wanted. How would you like to have a smile that you are proud to share all day...


Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
Do you have missing teeth that are keeping you from doing the things you love? Do you avoid going out in public? Are there certain foods you avoid? Are you finding that even your physical health is suffering? We live in a world that...

Sedation Dentistry

Offered by Thompson Family Dental
Dental Services
Do you have dental work that needs to be done but are too nervous to come in for a procedure? Have you ever made appointments to see the dentist but canceled at the last minute, or simply didn’t show up? If so, you probably suffer from dental...

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