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Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Located at 6619 N. Brookwood Ln. Peoria, IL 61614, the Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter is steadfast in its dedication to educating the Peoria community about the growing prevalence of food allergies. Founded by food allergy families Kevin and Lindsey Spangler, alongside Chris and Megan Horan, the Peoria Chapter of Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness stems from a mission deeply rooted in providing life-saving support, education, advocacy, and research. Recognized by FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), our group collaborates closely with Allergy Awareness for Children Everywhere (AACE Peoria), aiming to unite fragmented support groups and address the pressing need for comprehensive food allergy support in our community.

Our mission is clear: to empower parents and children with allergies to navigate their daily lives confidently and without hesitation. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing support, research, education, and advocacy, we strive to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all individuals affected by food allergies. Central to our vision is ensuring that every allergic individual is equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to recognize and respond to allergic reactions promptly, including the critical importance of carrying two epinephrine auto-injectors at all times.

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About Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Red Sneakers For Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter

Located at 6619 N. Brookwood Ln. Peoria, IL 61614, the Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness - Peoria Chapter is steadfast in its dedication to educating the Peoria community about the growing prevalence of food allergies. Founded by food allergy families Kevin and Lindsey Spangler, alongside Chris and Megan Horan, the Peoria Chapter of Red Sneakers for Food Allergy Awareness stems from a mission deeply rooted in providing life-saving support, education, advocacy, and research. Recognized by FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education), our group collaborates closely with Allergy Awareness for Children Everywhere (AACE Peoria), aiming to unite fragmented support groups and address the pressing need for comprehensive food allergy support in our community.

Our mission is clear: to empower parents and children with allergies to navigate their daily lives confidently and without hesitation. Through a multifaceted approach encompassing support, research, education, and advocacy, we strive to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all individuals affected by food allergies. Central to our vision is ensuring that every allergic individual is equipped with the knowledge and resources necessary to recognize and respond to allergic reactions promptly, including the critical importance of carrying two epinephrine auto-injectors at all times.