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Shinobi Window Cleaning

Shinobi Window Cleaning

When I started Shinobi Window Cleaning, I had just taken the Leap of faith after leaving Poorman Window Cleaning. After 4 and a half years of learning, healing, falling and rising, I aim to help people around my community not only by making there windows sparkle, but also great conversations and shared stories. I feel it helps us know each other a little bit more.

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About Shinobi Window Cleaning

Shinobi Window Cleaning

When I started Shinobi Window Cleaning, I had just taken the Leap of faith after leaving Poorman Window Cleaning. After 4 and a half years of learning, healing, falling and rising, I aim to help people around my community not only by making there windows sparkle, but also great conversations and shared stories. I feel it helps us know each other a little bit more.