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Wild Rose Healing LLC

In the between and the betwixt

I am Vicky Vail (she/her), a Hard of Hearing practitioner. I have worn hearing aids since I was three and a half years old. I was born to hearing parents and am now learning ASL as an adult.

I walk in liminal spaces, the edges of multiple worlds: not only the hearing and the Deaf worlds, but also the seen and unseen realms, life transitions, and grief. To be in the between and the betwixt can be deeply challenging, uncomfortable, and alchemical. I companion people who are at the edges: those whose identities dont fit neatly in a box, those who are navigating uncertainty, and those longing to deepen their connection with themselves and their compassionate ancestors. As we reclaim our unique gifts with the support of our ancestors, we can more fully step into who we are and what were here to do.

I currently offer Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions supporting clients to connect with their own wise, benevolent ancestors, and then build relationships with them. Supported by our wise ones, personal and family healing is possible, and oftentimes, transformational.

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me.

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About Wild Rose Healing LLC

In the between and the betwixt

I am Vicky Vail (she/her), a Hard of Hearing practitioner. I have worn hearing aids since I was three and a half years old. I was born to hearing parents and am now learning ASL as an adult.

I walk in liminal spaces, the edges of multiple worlds: not only the hearing and the Deaf worlds, but also the seen and unseen realms, life transitions, and grief. To be in the between and the betwixt can be deeply challenging, uncomfortable, and alchemical. I companion people who are at the edges: those whose identities dont fit neatly in a box, those who are navigating uncertainty, and those longing to deepen their connection with themselves and their compassionate ancestors. As we reclaim our unique gifts with the support of our ancestors, we can more fully step into who we are and what were here to do.

I currently offer Ancestral Lineage Healing sessions supporting clients to connect with their own wise, benevolent ancestors, and then build relationships with them. Supported by our wise ones, personal and family healing is possible, and oftentimes, transformational.

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me.