Welcome To

Shift 76

At Shift 76 our vision is to connect people with their purpose. Are you ready to make a life-changing shift? Our team of professionally certified instructors will help you become the best you, you can be. We offer private and group coaching for all ages, specialized training for business teams, organizations, and keynote speaking.

Ziglar-certified coaches go beyond simply helping clients identify their goals. These coaches help create a system for lasting success by providing tools and resources for life’s many shifts. This system of success has proven to create happier, healthier, more prosperous individuals who have more friends, better family relationships, peace of mind, and hope for the future. When you hire a Ziglar-certified coach, you are investing in a proven system for success.

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About Shift 76

At Shift 76 our vision is to connect people with their purpose. Are you ready to make a life-changing shift? Our team of professionally certified instructors will help you become the best you, you can be. We offer private and group coaching for all ages, specialized training for business teams, organizations, and keynote speaking.

Ziglar-certified coaches go beyond simply helping clients identify their goals. These coaches help create a system for lasting success by providing tools and resources for life’s many shifts. This system of success has proven to create happier, healthier, more prosperous individuals who have more friends, better family relationships, peace of mind, and hope for the future. When you hire a Ziglar-certified coach, you are investing in a proven system for success.