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CJ Roofing

CJ Roofing Founded in 2019 by Cody Jones, CJ Roofing stands as a testament to two decades of unwavering dedication and expertise in the roofing industry. Cody's journey in roofing began 20 years ago during his freshman year of high school when he sought a summer job. Guided by his father, a plumbing contractor in Colorado Springs, Cody secured a position with a friend who owned a roofing company, marking the commencement of his enduring involvement in roofing.

Throughout the years, Cody has honed his skills in both commercial and residential roofing, working alongside some of the most esteemed contractors in the Wichita area. His expertise extends beyond roofing, encompassing a wealth of construction knowledge gained from collaborative efforts with general contractors, contributing to the creation of remarkable homes and buildings in the Wichita region.

What sets CJ Roofing apart is not just the mastery of roofing techniques but also the broader understanding of construction dynamics. Cody's commitment to excellence is not only a professional endeavor but a personal one, fueled by the support of his wife and two boys. His relentless work ethic and determination to succeed are deeply rooted in his love for family, driving CJ Roofing to deliver unparalleled service to its customers. With CJ Roofing, you can trust that your roofing needs are met with a unique blend of experience, expertise, and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction.

CJ Roofing

Founded in 2019 by Cody Jones, CJ Roofing stands as a testament to two decades of unwavering dedication and expertise in the roofing industry. Cody's journey in roofing began 20 years ago during his freshman year of high school when he sought a summer job. Guided by his father, a plumbing contractor in Colorado Springs, Cody secured a position with a friend who owned a roofing company, marking the commencement of his enduring involvement in roofing.

Throughout the years, Cody has honed his skills in both commercial and residential roofing, working alongside some of the most esteemed contractors in the Wichita area. His expertise extends beyond roofing, encompassing a wealth of construction knowledge gained from collaborative efforts with general contractors, contributing to the creation of remarkable homes and buildings in the Wichita region.

What sets CJ Roofing apart is not just the mastery of roofing techniques but also the broader understanding of construction dynamics. Cody's commitment to excellence is not only a professional endeavor but a personal one, fueled by the support of his wife and two boys. His relentless work ethic and determination to succeed are deeply rooted in his love for family, driving CJ Roofing to deliver unparalleled service to its customers. With CJ Roofing, you can trust that your roofing needs are met with a unique blend of experience, expertise, and a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction.

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