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Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch

Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch

Rolling Oak Alpaca RanchRolling Oak Alpaca Ranch, established nearly a decade ago by Judy Hoepker and Morgan Stevenson, is a thriving enterprise nestled on 10 acres of picturesque land just outside Lick Creek in Makanda, Illinois. What began as a quest for softer, locally produced yarn has blossomed into a successful venture dedicated to raising alpacas and producing premium alpaca yarn. Morgan's passion for crocheting sparked the idea to start the farm when she realized the scarcity of locally sourced alpaca yarn in the market. Together with her mother, they set out to create a sustainable source of high-quality yarn through their alpaca ranch. Over the years, Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch has grown significantly, transitioning from a small operation with only a handful of alpacas to a thriving farm with a focus on responsible animal husbandry and fiber production. The ranch is not only a home for these gentle animals but also a hub for crafting enthusiasts seeking top-notch alpaca yarn. Morgan's vision to learn every aspect of the process—from raising and shearing alpacas to spinning and preparing the fiber—has shaped Rolling Oak into a cornerstone of the local crafting community. At Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch, quality and sustainability are paramount. The farm's dedication to caring for their alpacas and producing premium yarn is evident in every skein they create. By maintaining a strong commitment to craftsmanship and ethical practices, Rolling Oak continues to be a source of inspiration for artisans and crafters alike. Whether you're a seasoned crafter looking for exquisite yarn or simply seeking a glimpse into the world of alpaca farming, Rolling Oak invites you to explore their ranch and experience the beauty and warmth that their alpacas bring to their craft.

Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch

Rolling Oak Alpaca RanchRolling Oak Alpaca Ranch, established nearly a decade ago by Judy Hoepker and Morgan Stevenson, is a thriving enterprise nestled on 10 acres of picturesque land just outside Lick Creek in Makanda, Illinois. What began as a quest for softer, locally produced yarn has blossomed into a successful venture dedicated to raising alpacas and producing premium alpaca yarn. Morgan's passion for crocheting sparked the idea to start the farm when she realized the scarcity of locally sourced alpaca yarn in the market. Together with her mother, they set out to create a sustainable source of high-quality yarn through their alpaca ranch. Over the years, Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch has grown significantly, transitioning from a small operation with only a handful of alpacas to a thriving farm with a focus on responsible animal husbandry and fiber production. The ranch is not only a home for these gentle animals but also a hub for crafting enthusiasts seeking top-notch alpaca yarn. Morgan's vision to learn every aspect of the process—from raising and shearing alpacas to spinning and preparing the fiber—has shaped Rolling Oak into a cornerstone of the local crafting community. At Rolling Oak Alpaca Ranch, quality and sustainability are paramount. The farm's dedication to caring for their alpacas and producing premium yarn is evident in every skein they create. By maintaining a strong commitment to craftsmanship and ethical practices, Rolling Oak continues to be a source of inspiration for artisans and crafters alike. Whether you're a seasoned crafter looking for exquisite yarn or simply seeking a glimpse into the world of alpaca farming, Rolling Oak invites you to explore their ranch and experience the beauty and warmth that their alpacas bring to their craft.

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