Welcome To

Ackerman Family Farms LLC

A 5th Generation Family run Pumpkin Farm featuring over 160 varieties of pumpkins, squash, and gourds, a beautiful selection of mums, ornamental corn, and corn stalks. We also have a gift shop with local, state, and regional food products and home decor.

Come get lost in our family-friendly corn maze or simply enjoy a weekend hayrack ride. Hope to see you soon!

A 5th Generation Family run Pumpkin Farm featuring over 160 varieties of pumpkins, squash, and gourds, a beautiful selection of mums, ornamental corn, and corn stalks. We also have a gift shop with local, state, and regional food products and home decor.

Come get lost in our family-friendly corn maze or simply enjoy a weekend hayrack ride. Hope to see you soon!

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