Advertising Reports


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
Amens Law 3,334 566 114 $1,364.06
Atlas Towing Service Inc. 1,883 588 110 $1,417.08
Bark 'N' Clawz Grooming 2,408 437 121 $1,053.17
Battle Mountain Archery Club 1,090 415 109 $1,000.15
Battle Mountain Plumbing 2,158 547 141 $1,318.27
Bengoa Physical Therapy LLC 1,260 495 133 $1,192.95
Big Chief Motel 2,875 681 101 $1,641.21
Big Wheel Casino 886 256 76 $616.96
BM Car Wash 997 362 81 $872.42
Brown Dawg Productions 1,249 490 114 $1,180.90
Century 21 Sonoma Realty 1,517 556 96 $1,339.96
Chevron Super Stop/Pizza Fact/Philly 1,616 552 125 $1,330.32
Christ Lutheran Church and Preschool 2,027 677 152 $1,631.57
Coffee Stains LLC 1,627 444 102 $1,070.04
Dakota Diesel Repair Inc. 2,351 516 88 $1,243.56
Dezert Ratz Kreation LLC 4,738 1,327 188 $3,198.07
Durick Towing & Recovery 1,686 557 122 $1,342.37
El Aguila Real Restaurant 2,254 428 91 $1,031.48
Entropy Pump 1,100 401 95 $966.41
Flyers Energy 1,739 644 138 $1,552.04
Frontier Community Coalition 1,265 477 132 $1,149.57
Great Basin College 3,144 632 155 $1,523.12
Haney's Furniture 1,972 644 132 $1,552.04
Hanica Insurance Agency, Inc. 1,863 595 101 $1,433.95
I-80 Gold 1,746 561 122 $1,352.01
Indulge Yourself Beauty Salon 3,392 1,107 153 $2,667.87
L.C. Committee Against Domestic Violence 1,486 548 135 $1,320.68
Lander County Convention & Tourism 1,978 696 123 $1,677.36
Lander County Kids Club 1,194 463 127 $1,115.83
Lander Physical Therapy 1,705 633 125 $1,525.53
Michael Clay Corporation 1,549 567 97 $1,366.47
Midway Market 2,160 743 152 $1,790.63
Mills Pharmacy 1,655 564 128 $1,359.24
Mountain View Clubhouse 1,884 513 110 $1,236.33
NeTvada 114 52 19 $125.32
Nevada Mining Association 1,139 397 97 $956.77
NV Energy 1,433 552 144 $1,330.32
Overtime Sports Bar & Grill 1,725 572 116 $1,378.52
Owl Club Casino & Restaurant& Motel 2,843 583 141 $1,405.03
Patzer Fabricating, LLC 1,633 433 86 $1,043.53
Ranchito Los Pinos 2,393 844 197 $2,034.04
Renown Health 1,239 425 116 $1,024.25
SdCreation 6,440 3,581 13 $8,630.21
Star Hotel 92 31 2 $74.71
The Children's Cabinet 463 235 55 $566.35
The McCoy Firm 1,603 436 109 $1,050.76
Tikiya's Pupusas y Tacos 1,294 476 113 $1,147.16
Tipsy Tulip Designs 1,862 624 143 $1,503.84
Ultra Ego Fitness LLC 713 280 72 $674.80
UNCE, Lander County Cooperative Extension 608 183 54 $441.03
Wells Fargo Bank 1,863 621 161 $1,496.61
TOTAL (51) 93,245 30,007 5,727 $72,316.87
AMCPB: 588.373 TOTAL: 30,007


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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