Readers Reports

Total Votes: 7 / Interest: 189

Hello fellow senior citizens and future seniors (our children and grandkids).

The Medicare premium is increasing by 14.86%, from $148.00 to $170.00. This is an additional $22.00 per month while our Social Security is only going up 5.9%.

The government claims that about half of the increase is due to “contingency planning”

What if Medicare (at some point) has to cover the new $56,000.00/year medication (Aduhelm)

for Alzheimer’s disease. When has the government ever planned AHEAD?

While medication for Alzheimer’s is great news, (if it’s viable) it’s like taking your car in for repairs.

You take your car in for an oil change. While at the mechanic’s, he says, you know one day your engine may need to be replaced.  

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