Sealed Bid Auction Program

One of our foundational tenets is to make high-quality real estate liquid. If we can achieve that goal, this asset class would be close to perfection. While various factors hamper this desire, our team has developed a successful Sealed Bid Auction program that has helped achieve many of our clients’ liquidity goals with very little compromise in price. In 2008, we created a sealed bid auction system that combined the strength of our traditional markets with urgency and set the date of an auction. Due to its success, many other groups have attempted to duplicate our process and the results we have produced.

There are some very good benefits to the landowner in this unique system. Typically, open outcry auctions are too risky and irreparably damaging to both the seller and the property’s reputation. We negotiate from a position of strength and all bids are sealed and the public will not know the bids, only the public record of the final sale price.

In our experience and for the properties we sell, price and value are the number one hindrance. We have buyers who have been following our properties for years looking for the best fit and the best value for them. With our sealed bid model, the price is removed as an obstacle. This eliminates 50% of the reason a buyer won’t step forward and engage with us. Although there is no established asking price, as brokers, we discuss the property’s value with the seller before entering into this program. If it doesn’t sell at the auction, then it transitions into a listing and is immediately positioned as an extremely well-marketed property with zero marketing money wasted.

We acknowledge that an alternative sales approach may be necessary to help meet your goals. Our team is available to help walk you through your options. Contact us today for more information at

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