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Do you or someone you know struggle with depression? In a nutshell, depression is feeling sad, hopeless, alone, discouraged, or just generally “down.” Everyone will experience this at some point in their lives. It really becomes a problem when you feel this way for more than 2 weeks. This can become a type of depression, known as Major Depressive Disorder, that can be very difficult to overcome without help.

Depression is so commonplace that it is almost certain that you know at least one person affected by it. Recent studies have shown that in the United States depression is the leading cause of disability and affects as many as 15 million adults nationwide. But if you are the person struggling with depression, it doesn’t matter how many others are dealing with it. You feel alone. Depression brings a depth of despair and heaviness that us unbearable. But the good news is: there is help and there is hope.

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