Custody & Parenting Time

Total Votes: 8 / Interest: 180

Child custody and parenting time (or visitation) issues are often the most emotional for the parties, and the most difficult for a court. In Iowa, legal custody and physical custody of children are established. Legal custody is a basic right of parents to have input in, and access to, information about their children. Physical custody can take different forms, with a parent having primary physical care or the parents having joint (or shared) physical care of the children. Custody arrangements are rooted in the best interests of the child. Regardless of the custody arrangements, parenting time or visitation is also established. Sometimes parties are in different states, leaving them to fight about what state has the authority to resolve the custody or visitation issues. Our attorneys have considerable experience in conflicts involving the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) and are prepared to act quickly in these interstate cases. Regardless of the circumstances, our team works to resolve parenting and visitation schedules to fit the needs of our clients and the best interests of their children, whether through mediation, negotiation, or litigation.

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