Local News, Weather, Sports

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Local News: Stay informed about the latest happenings in the Tucson-Sierra Vista area with our comprehensive local news coverage. From breaking news stories to in-depth investigations, we bring you accurate and timely information that impacts your community. Trust KGUN 9 to keep you updated on local events, politics, education, health, and much more.

Weather: Get the most accurate and reliable weather forecasts for the Tucson-Sierra Vista region. Our dedicated meteorologists provide detailed reports, including temperature, precipitation, wind conditions, and severe weather alerts. Whether you're planning your day or preparing for outdoor activities, rely on KGUN 9 to deliver the weather information you need to stay safe and prepared.

Sports: From the University of Arizona Wildcats to high school athletics, KGUN 9 covers the exciting world of sports in the Tucson-Sierra Vista area. Stay up to date with the latest scores, highlights, player interviews, and analysis. Whether you're a passionate sports fan or simply want to know the local teams' performance, KGUN 9 has you covered.

With KGUN 9 TV and KWBA The CW Tucson, you can trust us to deliver reliable, up-to-date news, accurate weather forecasts, and comprehensive sports coverage that keeps you connected to your local community.

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