Diapers for Diplomas

Total Votes: 5 / Interest: 91

Diapers for Diplomas, a pioneering initiative by Baby's Bounty, addresses the critical choice between diapers and tuition faced by parenting students. Recognizing that financial constraints often hinder the pursuit of higher education, this program is designed to eliminate that choice. Many parenting students need support to return to college, acquire new skills, complete a degree, and create opportunities for long-term career choices. According to a survey, 78% of parenting students identified family responsibilities and finances as their primary challenge in pursuing a degree.

The Diapers for Diplomas Program offers tangible assistance to parenting students enrolled at partnering NSHE institutions, including UNLV, UNR, NSC, CSN, TMCC, and DRI. Qualified students receive 200 diapers per month for a full academic year, removing a significant barrier to their educational journey. To be eligible, students must be the parent or guardian of a child requiring diapers, provide proof of enrollment at one of the designated institutions, and complete the online registration form. Recipients can conveniently pick up their diapering supplies from designated locations, both on campus and off campus.

Please note that all Diapers for Diplomas awards for the 2023/2024 academic year have been claimed. For those interested in the 2024/2025 academic year, please email d4d@babysbounty.org to join the interest list and stay informed about future opportunities. Baby's Bounty remains committed to supporting parenting students in their educational pursuits, fostering a community where every individual has the chance to thrive.

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