Offshore Wind

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Invenergy stands at the forefront of harnessing the immense power of offshore winds to drive the clean energy future forward. With decades of experience in developing onshore wind projects, we bring our expertise offshore, both domestically and internationally. As the sole American-led company pioneering a multi-project portfolio of offshore wind ventures along the U.S. coastlines, Invenergy is committed to unlocking the vast potential of this renewable energy source.

Offshore wind turbines, strategically positioned to capture the energy of high offshore wind speeds, generate electricity that is crucial for meeting peak demand periods. These turbines are anchored to the ocean floor via bottom-fixed or floating foundations, with power cables connecting them to offshore substations. From there, the electricity is collected, stabilized, and transmitted to shore through buried export cables, where it is further distributed to customers. Not only do offshore wind farms provide a reliable and domestic source of renewable energy, but they also play a vital role in offsetting carbon emissions while minimizing environmental impact.

At Invenergy, we prioritize community partnership and engagement throughout the development process of our offshore wind projects. By collaborating closely with local coastal communities, fisheries, labor unions, Tribal Nations, and other stakeholders, we ensure that community input is integral to our projects. Together, we're not only building offshore wind farms but also fostering sustainable practices that benefit marine life, facilitate environmental research, and advance the clean energy transition. Join us as we navigate the winds of change to create a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

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