Micro Components

As complex medical devices need to be miniaturized to reach restricted areas in the human body, the stakes get bigger. Micromachining is more than just producing smaller parts and componentsits about increasing capabilities and performance.

Heraeus has earned a reputation worldwide for its expertise and excellence in micromachining and micromanufacturing. Our engineering and micromachining teams work with each customer to design and deliver intricate miniature components that deliver exceptional performance.

As one of the worlds leaders in precious metals and materials science, Heraeus is uniquely qualified to provide customers with unmatched innovation in micromachining. By optimizing metals and materials, we can push the tolerance envelope to help our customers create smaller and higher-performing components, assemblies, and devices. And our state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and micromachining expertise ensure excellence every time.

Heraeus Medical Components, LLC is a proud member of

White Bear Area Chamber Marketplace

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