STCU Gold Glove Membership

All Spokane Indians ticket package holders receive an STCU Gold Glove Membership and receive the following benefits:

Early Ticket Exchange Program: Option to exchange your tickets prior to the gates opening for similar seats to another game.

Never Wasted Ticket Program: Missed a game? No problem! Trade your unused tickets for reserved bench seats for a future game.

Online Ticket Management: Make ticket exchanges online and electronically send tickets to someone else.

Champions Club Access: Never miss a pitch at the members-only concessions stands with a great view behind home plate.

Giveaway Items: Guaranteed all non "kids only" items no matter what time you get to the game.

Early Entry: Beat the crowd! Enter Avista Stadium 5 minutes before the public with early entry at the STCU Gold Glove Member gate.

Complimentary Food during FanFest: Receive a complimentary hot dog, bag of chips, and soda during FanFest, a great opportunity to meet the team for the first time.

Indians Night at the Chiefs: Join us after the season for a night of Spokane Chiefs hockey! Tickets are complimentary to this event.

Call (509) 343-OTTO (6886) for more information about becoming an STCU Gold Glove Member.

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