Buy my new book The 7 Secrets to Conquering Your Days Here:
I wrote The 7 Secrets To Conquer Your Days after recognizing a common theme amongst my clients: they all want more out of life. But to conquer your life, you need to start small, and that starts by conquering your days. I know this because I’ve struggled to conquer my days. In the spirit of transparency, some days are perfect, and others I struggle with. You’ll have the same experience. One afternoon I wrote down a list of “rules” that would eventually become the 7 Secrets. I call them secrets, not because they should be kept to yourself, but because they are not readily recognized. No one ever sat me down and told me how I could get more done in a day, or why constant learning is as important as it is. These 7 Secrets took me years to realize and to effectively implement. And while there are no shortcuts in life, I hope the advice in this book will make your journey simpler.
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