Peer Circles (Free visit)

Exclusive Peer Masterminding Groups

Professionally facilitated online mastermind groups for ambitious business directors with a team of 2-50 and the desire to grow.

Connect with likeminded business leaders.

  • Build a trusted advisory network
  • Build meaningful business relationship
  • ​Get fresh perspectives
  • ​Share knowledge and experience
  • ​Discuss challenges
  • ​Garner new ideas
  • ​Make significant decisions

4.8 Average Rating - Selected to deliver the Government funded Peer Networks programme in 2020 and 2021, successfully delivering quality Action Learning based group mastermind sessions and 121 business coaching for over 40 established businesses with 5-50 employees.

About The Next Level Peer Circles

This programme brings together a diverse mix of business leaders in similar positions to you, to support each other to collaboratively work through common business challenges and explore opportunities for growth.

Reach your next milestone

It’s an environment where you can focus on stepping up to the next level and achieving the professional and personal results you want - whether that be to scale, increase profits, get more time back, increase valuation for sale or just enjoy the journey more.

Get professional feedback

Delivered by expert mastermind facilitators and experienced business coaches, who have been selected by the government to run similar funded programmes, giving you access to feedback from professional consultants as well as your peers.

Develop your leadership

Using the proven interactive action learning methodology, we enable you to discuss your own challenges and opportunities, gain and reflect on valuable feedback and implement practical solutions and plans to overcome them and forge forward, from finance and HR to sales, marketing and more. Improving your leadership and busines performance so you can develop and grow your organisation for future success.


  • Accelerate your progress
  • Improve business performance
  • Establish a long-term rewarding business network
  • Increase confidence and satisfaction in your business

STRICTLY ONLY FOR ELIGIBLE Business Owners, Directors, Partners, MD’s, CEO’s, ensuring you are with your peers:

  • 2-50 employees
  • ​Over £100K turnover in last year
  • ​Have ambition to grow

N.B. It's a paid for programme but you are invited for a free, no obligation visit.

Next Level Business Club is a proud part of

Wandsworth Community Marketplace (United Kingdom)

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