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Eczema, a frequently encountered skin disorder, is characterized by pruritic (itchy) skin and a distinctive red rash. It manifests most notably in infants and young children but can affect individuals of all ages. The primary triggers for eczema are allergic reactions and immune system anomalies, leading to localized irritation and inflammation, often concentrated in areas such as the face, inner arms, and the back of the knees. Infants, in particular, may experience involvement of the scalp. Atopic dermatitis, the most common and severe form of eczema, is closely associated with other allergic conditions like asthma and hay fever, with a notable familial predisposition. Importantly, eczema is not transmissible, even through direct skin-to-skin contact. A comprehensive understanding of eczema is fundamental for effective management and appropriate medical care for this prevalent dermatological condition.

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