60 min Garden Consult

Total Votes: 1 / Interest: 15

Introducing our 60-minute Garden Consult service - a bespoke experience crafted to ignite the seeds of your dream kitchen garden. During this one-time consultation, our seasoned team will visit your location, dedicating a full hour to immerse ourselves in your vision. By meticulously considering factors such as space dimensions, sunlight exposure, and water accessibility, we'll collaborate with you to pinpoint the optimal garden location. Following the consultation, within 3-5 days, we'll present you with a comprehensive package including a concept design, a captivating vision board, and a detailed cost estimate for a seamless installation process. Your consultation fee covers one revision of the original plan, ensuring that your garden reflects your desires. Embrace the journey of garden creation with Bare Root Garden Designs, where every minute counts towards cultivating your perfect green sanctuary.

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