
Employee and Executive Benefits Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Employee and Executive Benefits Planning Employee benefits are an important part of the growth of your business. Benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, group life, and disability income plans make up the...

Long Term Care Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Long-Term Care Planning After a lifetime of work and proper preparation, a secure retirement can be your reward. That security will only be as strong as your ability to stay healthy. Most people would agree that their...

Estate Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Estate Planning Most people associate the phrase "estate planning" with having a will - a legal document that names your beneficiaries and spells out who gets what when you die. And while the transfer of your assets is...

Disability Income Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Disability Income Planning Disability income insurance protects one of your most valuable assets - your ability to earn an income. A disability could suspend or terminate your income for an extended period of time. It...

Business Continuation Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Business Continuation Planning What will happen to your business when you retire, or if you become permanently disabled or die? What's the value of your business, and how much is each owner's share worth? Because I...

Investment Strategies

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Investment Strategies Without a coordinated investment strategy, it can be difficult to build an effective investment portfolio that helps meet your financial needs. As a Registered Representative of Northwestern Mutual...

Life Insurance Planning

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Life Insurance Planning Many people realize that they need life insurance. And, many people have opinions about what type of life insurance they prefer. I regularly help people determine how much life insurance they need...

Education Funding

Offered by Thacker Financial Group
Education Funding With the cost of higher education rising faster than the rate of inflation, many families wonder how to prepare for this expense. I specialize in education funding and can help you explore the right...

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