
Workers Compensation

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
Companies have a duty to keep their employees safe from harm in the workplace. Unfortunately, accidents still happen and employees regularly suffer injuries while on the job. The Illinois workers’ compensation system exists to guarantee that...


Offered by Winters Law, LLC
Don't forget your Curfew! Many cities in our areas have implemented...

DUI and Traffic

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
One of the most common ways in which people are involved with the legal system is through traffic laws and other laws that regulate driving. These matters can range from simple non-moving violations to more serious issues such as driving under...

Living Trust and Estate Plan

Offered by Winters Law, LLC
Our team can help you manage your assets by placing property into trusts for purposes like reducing estate taxes, avoiding probate, and dictating how heirs get assets. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 618-997-5611.

Elder Abuse

Offered by Winters Law, LLC
Elder abuse comes in many forms, including physical, emotional, and financial, and it is not always obvious. If you suspect that a loved one is experiencing neglect or abuse, contact Winters Law, LLC today at 618-997-5611 for a free...

Business Law

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
Hiring a good lawyer is crucial to any successful business. Kochan & Kochan, P.C. provides knowledgeable, professional, and affordable legal advice to businesses of all sizes. Mark Kochan will bring his vast amount of experience as an Attorney,...

Car Accidents

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
After a car accident, most people are likely shaken and unsure of what to do next. However, if you have suffered property damage or injury in an accident that is not your fault, there are certain steps you should take to help ensure you will...

Criminal Law

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
Being accused of a crime can be a confusing and frightening experience. The potential consequences of a criminal case could include probation, fines, community service, or even incarceration. In addition to these legal consequences, there may...

Estate Planning & Trusts

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
Planning your estate is a personal matter and who better to work with than a knowledgeable attorney, at Kochan & Kochan, P.C. Mark Kochan will bring his vast amount of experience as an attorney, along with the...

Personal Injury

Offered by Winters Law, LLC
Personal injury cases are legal disputes that arise when one person suffers harm from an accident or injury, and someone else might be legally responsible. We are here to help you. Call us today to set up your free consultation.

Medical Malpractice

Offered by Winters Law, LLC
Medical malpractice can take many forms. The result of negligence can be errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare, or health management. If you believe you are a victim of medical malpractice, schedule your free consultation to see if we can...

Real Estate Law

Offered by Kochan & Kochan, P.C.
Real estate law is the area of law that governs the ownership and use of real estate, also known as real property. Real estate law can affect almost anyone, from tenants who lease apartments to commercial real estate developers. It is a highly...

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