
Secretary Office Hours

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Visit the Secretary's Office during designated hours at First Baptist Church of Purdy in Purdy, MO. Our secretary is available from Monday to Thursday, offering assistance and support between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Feel free to stop by during...

Adult Bible Studies

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Dive deeper into the teachings of the Bible through our Adult Bible Studies. These sessions, offered at various times, provide opportunities for in-depth exploration and discussion, fostering spiritual growth and understanding.

Sunday Worship Services

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Experience the vibrant Sunday Worship Services at First Baptist Church of Purdy in Purdy, MO. Join FBC KIDS and Adult Bible Fellowship at 10:00 AM, followed by Morning Worship at 10:45 AM, where a Nursery is available for little ones. Embrace...

Prayer Meetings

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Strengthen your connection with God and the community through our regular prayer meetings. Join us as we come together to lift our hearts, concerns, and thanksgivings in a supportive and prayerful environment.

Wed Bible Study

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Engage in Wednesday Bible Study with First Baptist Church of Purdy in Purdy, MO, at 7:00 PM. Our GROW STUDENTS & KIDS program, catering to K-12th graders, kicks off at 6:00 PM. For added convenience, we offer van pick-up services. Reach out via...

Evening Service

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Delve deeper into spirituality at our contemplative Evening Service every Sunday at 6:00 PM. Experience a serene and reflective atmosphere as we gather to connect with each other and the divine.

Youth Ministries

Offered by First Baptist Church of Purdy
Nurturing the next generation of believers, our youth ministries offer a range of activities, events, and educational programs. From fun-filled gatherings to meaningful discussions, we provide a supportive environment for young minds to grow in...

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