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Elle & Wink

Elle is a queer, disabled artist living in Twin Falls, Idaho. An early talker, an early reader, her parents were never able to get her to stop doing either and said she was too loud for inside spaces; now she channels that energy into creative projects.

Winkie is a deaf dog. Born on a cattle ranch in Cody, Wyoming, she prefers herding crows to rounding up cows. She thrives on routine, spinning left, and defying expectations. She is loyal, cuddly, and would like a treat before you come in the door. The treat helps in the vetting process, which is part of securing your name sign. 

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About Elle & Wink

Elle is a queer, disabled artist living in Twin Falls, Idaho. An early talker, an early reader, her parents were never able to get her to stop doing either and said she was too loud for inside spaces; now she channels that energy into creative projects.

Winkie is a deaf dog. Born on a cattle ranch in Cody, Wyoming, she prefers herding crows to rounding up cows. She thrives on routine, spinning left, and defying expectations. She is loyal, cuddly, and would like a treat before you come in the door. The treat helps in the vetting process, which is part of securing your name sign.