Welcome To

Idaho Olive & Grape

I am Kathy Clements. I opened this tasting room on April 10th, 2021 after losing my dad. It made me realize that life is short and you should dream big and take the leap to make that dream that comes true. So, with a wonderful husband's support and taking over his office space, Idaho Olive & Grape was born.

My tasting room is serious about the tastings. Everything in my room is meant to be sampled. From the oil/vinegar to the herbs and seasonings.

I know we are off the beaten path- one day main street will happen- it's the goal.

My motto- Food Should Feed Your Soul

See you soon!

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About Idaho Olive & Grape

I am Kathy Clements. I opened this tasting room on April 10th, 2021 after losing my dad. It made me realize that life is short and you should dream big and take the leap to make that dream that comes true. So, with a wonderful husband's support and taking over his office space, Idaho Olive & Grape was born.

My tasting room is serious about the tastings. Everything in my room is meant to be sampled. From the oil/vinegar to the herbs and seasonings.

I know we are off the beaten path- one day main street will happen- it's the goal.

My motto- Food Should Feed Your Soul

See you soon!