Welcome To

The Flame Group

FLAME extends the scope and reaches of the Fire Service beyond its traditional role by serving as a portal for a host of socially redeeming activities by raising awareness of issues related to the importance of fire safety. This is directed toward fostering initiatives and activities that create sustainability and a lasting imprint upon the quality of life in the communities.

FLAME continues to educate the community on how to protect themselves through safety techniques and advice to assist in fire prevention and fire awareness by providing equipment and tools to assist the community.

We find it important to support the Fire Departments and assist them in their efforts of fire prevention. With FLAME (Firefighters League of Activities Mentoring and Education) a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization. We raise funds to assist those departments and the communities they are sworn to serve with donations, fundraising, and sponsorships. With this, we can assist with funding programs and award scholarships to local youth.

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About The Flame Group

FLAME extends the scope and reaches of the Fire Service beyond its traditional role by serving as a portal for a host of socially redeeming activities by raising awareness of issues related to the importance of fire safety. This is directed toward fostering initiatives and activities that create sustainability and a lasting imprint upon the quality of life in the communities.

FLAME continues to educate the community on how to protect themselves through safety techniques and advice to assist in fire prevention and fire awareness by providing equipment and tools to assist the community.

We find it important to support the Fire Departments and assist them in their efforts of fire prevention. With FLAME (Firefighters League of Activities Mentoring and Education) a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization. We raise funds to assist those departments and the communities they are sworn to serve with donations, fundraising, and sponsorships. With this, we can assist with funding programs and award scholarships to local youth.