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New Jersey Prevention Network

NJPN was established in 1998 to build capacity, maximize resources and strengthen the collaboration among substance misuse prevention professionals. The original statewide network was formed of independent, non-profit prevention agencies with offices in each of New Jerseys 21 counties. As part of a connected system of professional services for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and other related issues, this network established high-quality standards and evidence-based practices. The county-based prevention agencies networked through NJPN offered programs and services sharing the common goal to reduce the incidence and prevalence of alcoholism, addiction, and related problems through primary prevention efforts.

NJPN served as coordinating body to statewide prevention strategies. NJPN staff worked closely with Municipal Alliances, schools, DARE officers, family court, mental health agencies, local governments, and many other constituent groups in each county. The network provided services to refer those needing and requesting help for their own or another individuals problems related to use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to an appropriate established organization or center that most closely meets their needs. Each NJPN member agency also operated a resource center to provide information and resources to local professionals and residents in their county. This groundbreaking network was the foundation of many successful systems currently operating throughout New Jersey.

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About New Jersey Prevention Network

NJPN was established in 1998 to build capacity, maximize resources and strengthen the collaboration among substance misuse prevention professionals. The original statewide network was formed of independent, non-profit prevention agencies with offices in each of New Jerseys 21 counties. As part of a connected system of professional services for the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and other related issues, this network established high-quality standards and evidence-based practices. The county-based prevention agencies networked through NJPN offered programs and services sharing the common goal to reduce the incidence and prevalence of alcoholism, addiction, and related problems through primary prevention efforts.

NJPN served as coordinating body to statewide prevention strategies. NJPN staff worked closely with Municipal Alliances, schools, DARE officers, family court, mental health agencies, local governments, and many other constituent groups in each county. The network provided services to refer those needing and requesting help for their own or another individuals problems related to use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs to an appropriate established organization or center that most closely meets their needs. Each NJPN member agency also operated a resource center to provide information and resources to local professionals and residents in their county. This groundbreaking network was the foundation of many successful systems currently operating throughout New Jersey.