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Seven Corners Print & Promo

Many of our peers in the industry tell customers and potential customers how proud they are that they have been in business for 10, 15, or even 20 years.

While we are pleased that they are proud of their relative longevity, especially in light of the turbulent times that the printing industry has endured over the past few years, we are equally proud that we have been in business for over 100 years. Being one of St. Pauls most established commercial printers does not, by itself, make us successful but it does speak volumes that we have been fortunate to have decades-long relationships with customers.

Any business that has been around for as long as we have will tell you that there is one and only one reason why they have remained in business for so long: Customers. Without satisfied customers, we would have gone out of business during one of the dozen or so downturns in the economy.

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About Seven Corners Print & Promo

Many of our peers in the industry tell customers and potential customers how proud they are that they have been in business for 10, 15, or even 20 years.

While we are pleased that they are proud of their relative longevity, especially in light of the turbulent times that the printing industry has endured over the past few years, we are equally proud that we have been in business for over 100 years. Being one of St. Pauls most established commercial printers does not, by itself, make us successful but it does speak volumes that we have been fortunate to have decades-long relationships with customers.

Any business that has been around for as long as we have will tell you that there is one and only one reason why they have remained in business for so long: Customers. Without satisfied customers, we would have gone out of business during one of the dozen or so downturns in the economy.