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Yahshua, The Messiah, said: "Every scribe disciplined into the Kingdom of Heaven brings forth treasures both new and old." His disciple, James, said, "Let patience have her perfect work that ye may be made complete and whole, wanting nothing." This ministry exists because lessons I have learned in my walk on this planet, both before and after I joined hands with Yahweh, are treasures that I believe can help other women and men in their quest for peace. My name is Melissa Rawlins, and I am a woman who lives for the hope of glory, who believes that perfection is possible, who is being disciplined into Yah's Kingdom and is relying on Yahshua dwelling in me to guide me, comfort me, protect me, provide for me, teach me, and patiently wait for me to help Him help others. Here am I, Yahweh, here am I!!!

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Yahshua, The Messiah, said: "Every scribe disciplined into the Kingdom of Heaven brings forth treasures both new and old." His disciple, James, said, "Let patience have her perfect work that ye may be made complete and whole, wanting nothing." This ministry exists because lessons I have learned in my walk on this planet, both before and after I joined hands with Yahweh, are treasures that I believe can help other women and men in their quest for peace. My name is Melissa Rawlins, and I am a woman who lives for the hope of glory, who believes that perfection is possible, who is being disciplined into Yah's Kingdom and is relying on Yahshua dwelling in me to guide me, comfort me, protect me, provide for me, teach me, and patiently wait for me to help Him help others. Here am I, Yahweh, here am I!!!