Welcome To

Texas Baptist Home for Children

TBHC has been caring for kids for over 110 years. Our current programs include Foster Care, Adoption (Both through foster care and private infant adoptions), as well as services for expecting mothers.

We believe the family is a beautiful picture to our world from God about how He loves and cares for each of us. The family is a love story that is sent straight from Heaven and it is our Christian responsibility to see to it that this story never dies. He has called the staff, supporters, and volunteers to fight for the preservation of the sanctity of the family.

To protect the sanctity of human life & promote the preservation of the family.

This purpose manifests itself in preventative, rehabilitative, and specialized services to children, youth, adults, and families. The aim of these programs is to enable this ministry, local churches, and the community to meet more effectively the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and families. The Texas Baptist Home for Children provides these services as a benevolent, educational, and evangelistic outreach to the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas.

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About Texas Baptist Home for Children

TBHC has been caring for kids for over 110 years. Our current programs include Foster Care, Adoption (Both through foster care and private infant adoptions), as well as services for expecting mothers.

We believe the family is a beautiful picture to our world from God about how He loves and cares for each of us. The family is a love story that is sent straight from Heaven and it is our Christian responsibility to see to it that this story never dies. He has called the staff, supporters, and volunteers to fight for the preservation of the sanctity of the family.

To protect the sanctity of human life & promote the preservation of the family.

This purpose manifests itself in preventative, rehabilitative, and specialized services to children, youth, adults, and families. The aim of these programs is to enable this ministry, local churches, and the community to meet more effectively the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and families. The Texas Baptist Home for Children provides these services as a benevolent, educational, and evangelistic outreach to the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Texas.