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Black Bear Family Farms

Black Bear Family Farms

Our family moved to Idaho in 2012 from New York to live closer to our kids, we have six daughters. We have always had chickens and a vegetable garden but after buying our first home, we decided to grow & sell vegetables, fruits & flowers at the local Farmers Market. We have always wanted to be more self-reliant and live off our land, and being market farmers provided a way for our dream to become a lifestyle. However, our first year the Market started before our vegetables were ready (it is Idaho) so we brought our homemade Jams to the Market to have something on our table. WOW! Everyone loved them! Ben now makes over 35+ varieties including all the Classics plus Jalapeño, Rhubarb, and Floral Jams. Our daughter, Yavanna, loves growing flowers & herbs, to share the power of nature through her traditional herbal remedies and salves.

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About Black Bear Family Farms

Black Bear Family Farms

Our family moved to Idaho in 2012 from New York to live closer to our kids, we have six daughters. We have always had chickens and a vegetable garden but after buying our first home, we decided to grow & sell vegetables, fruits & flowers at the local Farmers Market. We have always wanted to be more self-reliant and live off our land, and being market farmers provided a way for our dream to become a lifestyle. However, our first year the Market started before our vegetables were ready (it is Idaho) so we brought our homemade Jams to the Market to have something on our table. WOW! Everyone loved them! Ben now makes over 35+ varieties including all the Classics plus Jalapeño, Rhubarb, and Floral Jams. Our daughter, Yavanna, loves growing flowers & herbs, to share the power of nature through her traditional herbal remedies and salves.