Welcome To

Colleen Fletcher Wholistic Beauty

I believe women hold the keys to the long-term healing of themselves, their families, and the world.

My business began in late 1994 shortly after my son, Isiah, was born. I often say that “I always wanted to have a happy well-adjusted human; not just a son.” My desire to make that want, a reality, resulted in my pursuit of massage therapy. Feeling that education in massage would be effective in both: deriving an income that was flexible and worked around being a single mom. I began my career as a massage therapist.

ore Values

I believe in the grace of simplicity and W.H.O.L.E living

I want to share with you what I value, personally and professionally. These are my core values, and you can expect to see them in all of my interactions with you:

I believe in Living a Thriving Life

I believe in whole Health, Happiness & Beauty.

I believe in the next 7 generations.

 Happiness - Good fortune, pleasure, contentment, smiling, and internal well-being. Whatever happiness is for you, my work frees your body, mind, and spirit to allow joy to radiate daily in your life.

 The following 7 generations - Taking care of yourself, your family, and our planet. I ensure that I do my part in curating our world in a way that the next seven generations can live in happiness and peace, in an environmentally sustainable and thriving, filled with ALL life.

 Honesty – I believe honesty is key. I will always be honest with you and I encourage you to seek honesty in yourself. I mean what I say, I say what I mean, and I say it nicely, honestly.

Giving – Giving to others is my way of paying forward my gratitude toward everyone and everything that has contributed to where and who I am today. As a business, I give in many ways to the community and the world. I support the arts, libraries, and parks around the world.

Comfort – You are welcome here; I extend an open invitation to you. I strive to create a sanctuary-style environment (both in my boutique and online) that will make you feel safe, supported, and nurtured. I believe that such an environment is necessary for trust and that trust is necessary for true growth.

Love – I love LOVE. I have a love for nature, our world, ourselves, and others. Love is at the center of my work. Expect me to use it as a guiding principle in my care for you.

Gratitude - Thank you. Thanks to you, my business exists. Gratitude is my way of incorporating honesty, love, comfort, and happiness into my services and business. And it is my way of passing on benevolence to the next seven generations. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 10,000 thank you's!

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Upcycle - I don’t just think green, I am green. I practice in ways that support, sustain, and honor the world we live in. My products, my tools, and my processes reflect these values. I love our planet, and the communities we all live in, and have no problem showing it! Here is a great way to upcycle flannel sheets that can be used for so many options in business and personal life.

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About Colleen Fletcher Wholistic Beauty

I believe women hold the keys to the long-term healing of themselves, their families, and the world.

My business began in late 1994 shortly after my son, Isiah, was born. I often say that “I always wanted to have a happy well-adjusted human; not just a son.” My desire to make that want, a reality, resulted in my pursuit of massage therapy. Feeling that education in massage would be effective in both: deriving an income that was flexible and worked around being a single mom. I began my career as a massage therapist.

ore Values

I believe in the grace of simplicity and W.H.O.L.E living

I want to share with you what I value, personally and professionally. These are my core values, and you can expect to see them in all of my interactions with you:

I believe in Living a Thriving Life

I believe in whole Health, Happiness & Beauty.

I believe in the next 7 generations.

 Happiness - Good fortune, pleasure, contentment, smiling, and internal well-being. Whatever happiness is for you, my work frees your body, mind, and spirit to allow joy to radiate daily in your life.

 The following 7 generations - Taking care of yourself, your family, and our planet. I ensure that I do my part in curating our world in a way that the next seven generations can live in happiness and peace, in an environmentally sustainable and thriving, filled with ALL life.

 Honesty – I believe honesty is key. I will always be honest with you and I encourage you to seek honesty in yourself. I mean what I say, I say what I mean, and I say it nicely, honestly.

Giving – Giving to others is my way of paying forward my gratitude toward everyone and everything that has contributed to where and who I am today. As a business, I give in many ways to the community and the world. I support the arts, libraries, and parks around the world.

Comfort – You are welcome here; I extend an open invitation to you. I strive to create a sanctuary-style environment (both in my boutique and online) that will make you feel safe, supported, and nurtured. I believe that such an environment is necessary for trust and that trust is necessary for true growth.

Love – I love LOVE. I have a love for nature, our world, ourselves, and others. Love is at the center of my work. Expect me to use it as a guiding principle in my care for you.

Gratitude - Thank you. Thanks to you, my business exists. Gratitude is my way of incorporating honesty, love, comfort, and happiness into my services and business. And it is my way of passing on benevolence to the next seven generations. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 10,000 thank you's!

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Upcycle - I don’t just think green, I am green. I practice in ways that support, sustain, and honor the world we live in. My products, my tools, and my processes reflect these values. I love our planet, and the communities we all live in, and have no problem showing it! Here is a great way to upcycle flannel sheets that can be used for so many options in business and personal life.