Welcome To

The Stacey Wedding Group

The Stacey Wedding Group

The Stacey Wedding Group is a management consulting and training firm that empowers nonprofit leaders to make meaningful changes in our communities, our country, and our world. We accomplish this through a variety of capacity-building services ranging from assessment, consulting, and training services to strategic planning, board governance, and executive coaching.

Our top priority whenever we work with clients is to:

Lead by example, not asking you to do what we haven’t done. Empower and elevate you and your team with new knowledge and tools to further your important work. Provide feedback and guidance that is candid, respectful, and useful in your continued growth journey.
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About The Stacey Wedding Group

The Stacey Wedding Group

The Stacey Wedding Group is a management consulting and training firm that empowers nonprofit leaders to make meaningful changes in our communities, our country, and our world. We accomplish this through a variety of capacity-building services ranging from assessment, consulting, and training services to strategic planning, board governance, and executive coaching.

Our top priority whenever we work with clients is to:

  • Lead by example, not asking you to do what we haven’t done.
  • Empower and elevate you and your team with new knowledge and tools to further your important work.
  • Provide feedback and guidance that is candid, respectful, and useful in your continued growth journey.