Welcome To

Pathway Ministries

Pathway Ministries

Welcome to Pathway Ministries, formerly known as Peoria Rescue Ministries, serving the community since 1955. Rooted in our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, we have been steadfast in our mission to create pathways out of poverty for our neighbors in need. Nestled in the heart of Peoria, Illinois, at 601 Southwest Adams Street, our organization has become a beacon of hope and support for individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.

At Pathway Ministries, our vision extends beyond mere assistance; we aspire to see the Kingdom of Jesus Christ flourish through the empowerment and upliftment of those we serve. Through our Residential Ministries and Community Services, we provide holistic support aimed at addressing the multifaceted issues that contribute to poverty. Whether it's through shelter, meals, counseling, or educational programs, we are dedicated to walking alongside individuals on their journey toward a brighter future.

Driven by our faith and guided by the teachings of Jesus, we believe in the transformative power of love, compassion, and community. Our commitment to creating pathways out of poverty reflects our deep-seated belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Join us in our mission as we continue to foster positive change and sow the seeds of hope in the lives of those we serve. Together, let us work towards a future where poverty is no longer a barrier to human flourishing, but rather a stepping stone towards a life filled with abundance and purpose.

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About Pathway Ministries

Pathway Ministries

Welcome to Pathway Ministries, formerly known as Peoria Rescue Ministries, serving the community since 1955. Rooted in our faith and commitment to Jesus Christ, we have been steadfast in our mission to create pathways out of poverty for our neighbors in need. Nestled in the heart of Peoria, Illinois, at 601 Southwest Adams Street, our organization has become a beacon of hope and support for individuals and families facing challenging circumstances.

At Pathway Ministries, our vision extends beyond mere assistance; we aspire to see the Kingdom of Jesus Christ flourish through the empowerment and upliftment of those we serve. Through our Residential Ministries and Community Services, we provide holistic support aimed at addressing the multifaceted issues that contribute to poverty. Whether it's through shelter, meals, counseling, or educational programs, we are dedicated to walking alongside individuals on their journey toward a brighter future.

Driven by our faith and guided by the teachings of Jesus, we believe in the transformative power of love, compassion, and community. Our commitment to creating pathways out of poverty reflects our deep-seated belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Join us in our mission as we continue to foster positive change and sow the seeds of hope in the lives of those we serve. Together, let us work towards a future where poverty is no longer a barrier to human flourishing, but rather a stepping stone towards a life filled with abundance and purpose.